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The Power Of Positive Thinking Is Perfect For An Ebay Business

What if every day was picture perfect..I mean the perfection that you have always dreamed about.

You would just wake up one morning, get out of bed to start your day and everything you encountered would have a shinny “coat of perfection” around it. When you get to work, all of your co-workers would greet you with a smile, have your coffee and donuts ready for you at your desk and your boss even offers you a raise in your salary.

Just pure perfection. Every turn, every move you make and every single thing you encounter. Pure perfection.

Life would be great, huh?

Well, we all know that will never happen in this life, but you can get close to it.

By now, most of us have heard about the power of positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. We have seen the famous DVD titled “The Secret”, and we have read many of the books out there about the subject. But have you ever wondered if The Law of Attraction really, I mean, REALLY works?

I am a skeptic by nature, therefore, I did my own research, read more information about The Law of Attraction and I decided to put this well-publicized concept into action. To my surprise, I discovered a major change in my life, in each of my online ventures, and especially in my struggling eBay business. This turn-around almost happened immediately. Now it’s been 2 years and I have not looked back.

Understanding this Law of Attraction.

Attracting abundance is knowledge. As any other skill people have, manifesting is no different from playing the violin or throwing a ball in the air. How good you are at it depends on how efficient you have become at performing it.

As children, we used our imaginations when we interacted with our playmates. And it has always been a healthy part of growing up. But now, as adults, we have forgotten the importance of our imaginations. We have forgotten the importance of dreaming about what we want, and we usually do not believe that we can obtain our desires and wants, even if we do remember to dream. When you truly embrace the fact that you can literally have anything that you want by using the Law of Attraction, then you start to experience the emotion, the feeling connected with having that thing. THAT is when you truly start to create the high frequency emotional vibrations that will attract that thing into your life.

Here are some famous expressions based on the Law of Attraction.

What comes around goes around.

Birds of a feather flock together.

What you put out you get back.

Like attracts like.

Whatever you want wants you.

What you sow, you reap.

Combining a good eBay Business Strategy with the Law of Attraction.

If you want to succeed at eBay, the first thing you will need to do is draw up a plan of action. List exactly what you want to achieve in your eBay business and put the of Law of Attraction to work. Focus on that goal with positive thoughts and positive feelings. Sit down and make a list of what you must do to achieve your goals in the order you must do them. Specify how you are going to measure your eBay success at each step along the way. Go down the list and check off each item as it is completed. When you have accomplished all your goals, create another list of goals and start over.

Remember exactly what you did to achieve the first goal, including the way you felt when you manifested your positive thoughts and your positive feelings using the Law of Attraction.

No matter what type of business you have, or want to start, combining the two principles (eBay Business Strategy and the Law of Attraction), your success is just a dream away.

As a 22 year old Internet Marketer, I have had great success with my online businesses, and I have even mentored many local, inspiring entrepreneurs to start their own home-based businesses. With the knowledge and experience I posses, I plan to take my businesses to a new level in 2008.

Now, as I have learned to correctly use the Law of Attraction, I am able to make more money in a shorter period of time, reduce the stress in my life, look and feel better, and over all have a better quality of life.

Best of success to all.

Samuel Pope, Entrepreneur

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