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9 Reasons to Open an eBay Shop

It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced seller or are just toying with the idea of selling on eBay, opening a eBay shop is a proven way to reach customers you would not have otherwise reached. eBay.co.uk is the 99th busiest site in terms of weekly/monthly visitors in the world. With over 10 million transactions per week eBay.co.uk is bigger than eBay.com(USA) with an average spend of £55.00 per head of UK population. The learning curve compared to opening an internet shop is also a lot less there is no need have advanced technical knowledge to run an eBay shop. These factors help to make eBay a good start point for people wishing to get into online business.

1. Increased exposure. eBay s own data on sellers which have opened shops claims that the average sellers see an increase in sales of around 1 quarter ( 25%) Depending on the,market sector you are in the increase in traffic can rise by 100s if not 1000s of potential buyers all looking for your items.

2. Increase repeat sales. From the day you open your shop you have a fixed address and users can search for your shop name in the advanced search section, choosing a memorable name that people can easily remember, but more importantly one that does not have lots of similar sound shops in the eBay search results ( try your shop name now ) and any variations that you can think potential customers may mistakenly search on. eBay has now altered it Top Rated to force sellers to increase customer service, this will also help lead to more repeat buyers.

3.Time saving. eBay shops have some extra features which are not support when just selling as individual, these are to help increase productivity, automatic relisting of unsold items, Increase in the time period an item can be advertised for from the usual 7 days now it is possible to list items for 30 60 90 120 or even good till cancelled, ideal for business sellers who do not wish to have to constantly relist items every 7 days.

4. Increased credibility. Having a fixed location for your store helps to increase buyer confidence, adding a phone number to your shop design will also help to create increased confidence in your buyers minds. A well designed eBay store helps you stand out from the crowd and any other seller who is just carrying default eBay shop design , eBay shops are allowed upto 300 categories and you can sub categorize as much as you like, the manage eBay shop design area is kind of straight forward to find you way around but can be very limited in what is achievable here.

5. Increased peace of mind. When opening a web site to sell from you are not always sure that your buyers are using there own credit cards, or that your method of accepting payments is secure, eBay have spent considerable amount of money on making sure that the marketplace is a safe as possible it also has a dispute console where no paid items dispute s for example can be resolved.

6. People can find you. As already mentioned earlier when you open a eBay shop you get a unique URL (address ) that you can use to drive customers to your shop, for example with offline leaflets in your existing retail outlet or sent with your sold items to existing buyers.

7. Advanced promotional tools, eBay has cross promotion tools for shop owners these allow you to control which items are promoted to potential buyers when looking at your items, as well as this you also get access to email marketing tool and the eBay newsletter feature, both of these tools help drive more repeat business and allow you to connect to people who have already purchased off you.

8. FREE eBay sales report. EVERY eBay shop owner gets a FREE monthly sales report that details their sales statistics by category and monthly sales, also it covers the conversion rates, number of buyers, if you have a featured or anchor store, also you will receive a eBay marketplace benchmark, this allow you to see how well you are doing against other sellers and your position on eBay top sellers, if you use the Accounting assistant software you are able to export all your data from eBay and PayPal into Quickbooks.

9. eBay used to run a program called eBay powersellers, this has now been replaced with the Top rated program, this measure the feedback of buyers and the buying experience you provide your buyers, eBay rewards good sellers by giving them discounts on listing fees and final sales fees, but more importantly Top Rated sellers are placed higher in the default search for items, this leads to more sales and should be the goal of all sellers looking to make money from selling on eBay.

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